
[Intel Edison]configure_edisonで何が設定出来るのか


-h, --helpヘルプメッセージの表示
usage: configure_edison [-h] [[--setup | --name | --password | --wifi]
[--showWiFiIP | --showWiFiMode | --version | --latest-version | --disableOneTimeSetup | --enableOneTimeSetup | --toggleOneTimeSetup | --upgrade | --flash <version> [<release name> ...]
| --flashFile <image-file> | --showNames]
optional arguments:
-h, --helpshow this help message and exit
--setupGoes through changing the device name, password, and
wifi options
--nameChanges the device name
--passwordChanges the device password
--wifiChanges the wifi options
--showWiFiIPIP address associated with the wireless interface
--showWiFiModeShow current mode for the wireless interface
--versionGets the current firmware version
--latest-versionGets the latest firmware version
Disable one-time setup with WiFi access point and
enable WiFi client mode. Append --persist to retain
this setting after reboot
--enableOneTimeSetupEnable one-time setup with WiFi access point and
disable WiFi client mode. Append --persist to retain
this setting after reboot
--toggleOneTimeSetupSwitch between one-time setup with WiFi access point
and WiFi client mode, and visa-versa. Append --persist
to retain this setting after reboot
--upgradeDownloads the latest firmware. Append --restartWithAP
to reboot in WiFi access point mode after flashing
--flash <version> [<release name> ...]
Downloads and flashes an image Append --restartWithAP
to reboot in WiFi access point mode after flashing
--flashFile <image-file>
Flashes the given image (.zip). Append --restartWithAP
to reboot WiFi access point mode after flashing
--showNamesShow device name and SSID

Configure Edison: Device Password

Enter a new password (leave empty to abort)
This will be used to connect to the access point and login to the device.
Password: ********
Please enter the password again: ********

Configure Edison: Device Name

Give this Edison a unique name.
This will be used for the access point SSID and mDNS address.
Make it at least five characters long (leave empty to skip): Edison
Is Edison correct? [Y or N]: Y

Do you want to set up wifi? [Y or N]: Y

Configure Edison: WiFi Connection

Scanning: 1 seconds left

0 : Rescan for networks
1 : Exit WiFi Setup
2 : Manually input a hidden SSID
3 : AnotheWiFi01
4 : AnotheWiFi02
5 : AnotheWiFi03
6 : AnotheWiFi04
7 : myWiFi

Enter 0 to rescan for networks.
Enter 1 to exit.
Enter 2 to input a hidden network SSID.
Enter a number between 3 to 7 to choose one of the listed network SSIDs: 7
Is myWiFi correct? [Y or N]: Y
Password must be between 8 and 63 characters.
What is the network password?: ***************************************************************
Initiating connection to myWiFi. Please wait...
Attempting to enable network access, please check 'wpa_cli status' after a minute to confirm.
Done. Please connect your laptop or PC to the same network as this device and go to http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx or http://Edison.local in your browser.

Configure Edison: Device Name

Give this Edison a unique name.
This will be used for the access point SSID and mDNS address.
Make it at least five characters long (leave empty to skip): Edison
Is Edison correct? [Y or N]: Y


Configure Edison: Device Password

Enter a new password (leave empty to abort)
This will be used to connect to the access point and login to the device.
Password: ********
Please enter the password again: ********


Configure Edison: WiFi Connection

Scanning: 1 seconds left

0 : Rescan for networks
1 : Exit WiFi Setup
2 : Manually input a hidden SSID
3 : AnotheWiFi01
4 : AnotheWiFi02
5 : AnotheWiFi03
6 : AnotheWiFi04
7 : myWiFi

Enter 0 to rescan for networks.
Enter 1 to exit.
Enter 2 to input a hidden network SSID.
Enter a number between 3 to 7 to choose one of the listed network SSIDs: 7
Is myWiFi correct? [Y or N]: Y
Password must be between 8 and 63 characters.
What is the network password?: ***************************************************************
Initiating connection to myWiFi. Please wait...
Attempting to enable network access, please check 'wpa_cli status' after a minute to confirm.
Done. Please connect your laptop or PC to the same network as this device and go to http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx or http://Edison.local in your browser.
Scanning and saving WiFi networks...
Scanning: 1 seconds left

Restarting WiFi access point. Please wait...

From your PC or laptop, connect to the '' network
and visit 'Edison.local' in the browser
Scanning and saving WiFi networks...
Scanning: 1 seconds left

Restarting WiFi access point. Please wait...

From your PC or laptop, connect to the '' network
and visit 'Edison.local' in the browser
The latest version is already installed.
--flash <version> [<release name> ...]
--flashFile <image-file>ファームウェアのイメージファイル(.zip)を指定して更新します。ファームウェア更新後に無線LANアクセスポイントモードで再起動するには、--restartWithAPを追加して下さい。
{"hostname": "Edison", "ssid": "Edison-xx-xx", "default_ssid": "Edison_ap"}


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